Our Story: A History of the Irish in Derby

Our Story: A History of the Irish in Derby is an oral history project that collects and shares the personal memories and experiences of the Irish diaspora who emigrated to Derby in the 1950s and 60s primarily.

Emigration has long been a part of Irish history and identity, and this project acts as a recognition of the social, cultural and economic contributions the Irish have made to the Derby city and region. It also offers a reminder of the diverse and multicultural make up of modern British society, while celebrating the strong links that exist between Ireland and Britain.

We’re excited to be sharing this work with you and would appreciate if you could take a few moments to complete the short survey after watching the film.

Our Story: A History of the Irish in Derby

View Our Story: A History of the Irish in Derby video transcript

Complete the Our Story audience survey

If you would like to get involved and tell your story, please contact: