Blog post

Embracing a new way of learning

When the University had to stop face-to-face teaching in March due to COVID-19, I was of course concerned for what was going on in the world but I was also extremely anxious as to how it would affect my ability to complete my second year of studies on the Law LLB.

By Sophie Spencer - 19 June 2020

When the University had to stop face-to-face teaching in March due to COVID-19, I was of course concerned for what was going on in the world but I was also extremely anxious as to how it would affect my ability to complete my second year of studies on the Law LLB.

However, the teaching team soon put my mind as ease with an action plan to a new way of learning – online! It may seem strange learning entirely over the internet but by engaging with the content, I did not feel like my learning was at all compromised. Lecturers are quick to answer emails should we have any questions regarding their online lectures or our assignments.

We are also able to have meetings with lecturers via Microsoft Teams which is such an easy way to stay in touch with them and raise any concerns we may have. Their time and dedication to ensure we haven’t missed out on the quality of our learning is incredible and a true testament to the Law School.

With the new way of learning, there also needed to be a new way of examining students. As I am studying for a Qualifying Law degree, any amendments needed to be approved by the Registered Body – The Solicitors Regulation Authority. We were kept informed at every possible opportunity and any adjustments that were made to meet the new remote learning environment were cascaded to us straight away, and all the changes made did not compromise the integrity of our assessments.

I have one piece of advice for those partaking in online learning – like anything, you get back what you give. Therefore, if you try your best to engage with the resources that are provided, do the work that is set, and read what you need to there is no reason why you cannot be just as successful in your online learning experience than if it was face-to-face.

The thing to remember is that online learning is not worse than face to face teaching, nor do you have a subordinate experience – it is just different. I personally feel that I got more from the remote learning experience than I would have done from the traditional way of teaching.

So, do not be put off by the prospect of starting your degree online, embrace it! Although it may be a little odd at first, I promise that you will receive the same quality of teaching as you would in the traditional way! 

About the author

Sophie Spencer
Law LLB student

I have just finished my second year of study for the Law LLB, I love the subject of law and I am looking forward to completing my studies next year! I am also the Secretary and Treasurer for Young Legal Ladies which is a platform designed to support young women entering the Legal Sector, providing opportunities for networking and professional development.