Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Accelerating business innovation

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) can last for between 12 months and three years and are part-funded by a government grant. You can use a KTP to:

a purple logo with writing

What is a KTP?

A KTP is a partnership between your organisation (the company), the University (the knowledge base) and a recent graduate (KTP associate). It comes with government funding, which can pay for up to two thirds of the project cost.

A partnership is formed to work on a specific project that addresses a business need. The overall aim of the KTP is to help your business make a step change in an area that you have identified as a high priority.

Working with your organisation, the Associate leverages the knowledge, skills and technology available within the University of Derby, to work on the project. The Associate is closely supervised and supported by an academic expert as well as by someone within your business.

The project possibilities are endless. For example, your project could involve:

If your project is related to improving management practices, you would be suited to a specific Management KTP (MKTP).

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

View Knowledge Transfer Partnerships video transcript

How does it work?

With our help you will identify an academic or researcher who has the right expertise for your organisation. You will then define and agree a project that will enable you to draw on their expertise and apply it to your business. The agreed project could be for any length of time between 12 months to three years, depending on your business need. 

What types of organisations can apply for a KTP?

Any business sector can apply, including ‘not for profit’ and public sector organisations.

What will it cost my organisation?

A KTP is part-funded by a government grant. A small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) would be expected to contribute about a third of the costs involved in the project — usually at least £25,000 per year.

Measuring Chatsworth's economic impact

Find out how a KTP supported Chatsworth to achieve their 10-year strategic plan

Helping Chatsworth measure its economic impact

View Helping Chatsworth measure its economic impact video transcript

a senior mentor speaks to a younger person at a table in a break-out space

Management KTPs (MKTPs)

Just like traditional KTPs, MKTPs create a three-way partnership between your company, a team of academic experts and a skilled graduate. However, the focus with MKTPs is on improving management practices.

Find out more about out MKTPsFind out more about out MKTPs

Contact us

To find out more about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships:

T: +44 (0)1332 597815
