Prison, rehabilitation and transition into the community: (Re)construing personal change

An inaugural lecture by Professor Nicholas Blagden. 

Inaugural lecture: Professor Nicholas Blagden

Professor Nicholas Blagden has worked over the last 15 years on the experience of imprisonment, rehabilitative intervention, and transition into the community for those with sexual convictions.

This inaugural lecture unpacked challenges and tensions within rehabilitative practice in prison and community, and outlined how Professor Blagden’s work on denial and rehabilitative prison climate has led to shifts in rehabilitative practice.

It also focused on the work of the Safer Living Foundation, a charity Professor Blagden helped co-found, and how the charity helps fulfil its aims of reducing sexual victimisation and helping men lead meaningful offence-free lives.

Finally, Professor Blagden discussed recent work on prevention models of sexual abuse across Europe, including working with those with a sexual interest in children, and the role of compassion, acceptance and meaning-making in working with this client group.

Professor Nicholas Blagden

Professor Nicholas Blagden is a Professor of Criminological Psychology and the Co-Director of the Centre for Applied Social Sciences, Policy, Practice and Research.

He is a Chartered Psychologist, a registered psychotherapist, and sits on the HMPPS Correctional Services Advice and Accreditation Panel (CSAAP). He has an established track record of high-quality and internationally significant publications.